Welcome to NZRA

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New Members: Please  complete the membership form below to sign up for Membership.

Existing Members: Email Membership with any changes to your details. Please do not complete a new membership application form when you change a subscription as that would duplicate your record. 

Join Our Facebook Group

Members will help you with advice on designing, building and flying rockets if you post your question on our Facebook group.  If you’re comfortable introducing yourself to the group then go ahead and post why you joined up and what your rocketry goals are.  

Download Open Rocket

If you are going to be building rockets then we recommend downloading the "Open Rocket" free design and simulation program.  The program sits on your desktop. It uses Java to run so you need to update your Java software first. When you run the Open Rocket program it can take a few seconds to load.

One of the first steps is to use open rocket to build your own rocket from scratch. Design the fins, decide on your first motor, check stability, print out a fin template, cut out your fins and fit. This kit has all the bits you need for your first rocket. Email Alex at alex@xls.co.nz if you would like help with this via remote control over the internet.  


Introduce yourself at our next launch

Introduce yourself as a new member when you visit us on site. We are a friendly bunch and enjoy meeting visitors but in an open field it’s hard to know who’s a new member and who’s visited with a friend. Don't worry about interrupting us. Just rock up and say hello.

Launching is weather dependent so it pays to check Facebook and emails for updates right up to 9am on the day of launching for last minute cancellations. 


Apogee rockets have excellent tutorials on building rockets and are good for low power rockets.

Help Getting Started

You can contact us with any questions using the contacts page.  Most of us started our rocketry journey with cardboard 'have a go' rockets and are willing to help with advice.